Artist Statement

Caroline Hudson


I'm a painter and ceramic artist based in Haworth, West Yorkshire.

Within my practice I work predominantly with paint and clay, though often include found materials. In my paintings I use acrylic, for it's versatility and resilience but more often oil, because it's delicious to work with and simply can't be beaten. I consider my ceramic vessels as 3D abstract paintings. They are individually handbuilt, layered with slips, oxides and glazes. When fired they evolve to become an object that may have been weathered or forged by the environment.
My obsession with surface, colour exploration and texture has been with me for as long as I can remember. I love the alchemy of manipulating materials to create something new.

Place is integral to my art, the essence of my paintings often originate from being on the moor which is both immersive and raw. Living in this landscape means that it is always in my subconscious, the feeling of the wind, the changing light and huge skies. The moors are often shrouded in mist, obscuring the horizon thus creating a softness and fragility. My fundamental desire is to communicate through my art how it feels to be in this and other environments I have a connection with.
I'm definitely drawn to the Western Celtic regions of our country, especially the edges of the land, where the tides dictate the landscape. I have a close affinity with West Cornwall where my grandparents lived and I return there as often as possible for nurture and a fix of inspiration. In contrast, Andalusia is close to my heart and its influences seep into my work. I'm especially interested in Moorish architecture and ceramics.
I have become increasingly absorbed with the fragility of human existence and this concept is creeping into my art. I search for quiet, ancient places that give a sense of peace and moments of calm. Emercing myself in the otherworldly feeling they have, coupled with a close connection to nature is pure joy.

I endeavour to make art that is dramatically ethereal, authentically coming from my own life experiences. I hope it achieves a connection, evokes emotion and that the viewer is able to find both turbulent motion and heart wrenching quiet.

Self-employed artist since 2009

Recent Exhibitions

January- April 2024
Saltaire Art Gallery Winter Show

November/December 2023
Ing Discerning Eye exhibition at Mall Galleries London
Lost and Found Winter exhibition at Damside Mill Gallery Haworth with Freya Hudson
Ceramics at Mick Oxley Gallery, Craster. Ceramics at Giddy Arts Saltaire

September 2023 Staithes Festival of Art

June/July/August 2023
Opening Summer exhibition at Damside Mill Gallery with Freya Hudson, John Gamble and Anthony Hartley

January - April 2023
Moorland Exhibition at Tinker Gallery Ilkley

2022 Ceramics and Paintings at Hawksbys Haworth

Ceramics at Mick Oxley Gallery Craster

2021 Ceramics Saltaire Art Festival,

Paintings Silson Contemporary Gallery, Harrogate

Paintings at Hope Gallery, Hebden Bridge

Ceramics at Cupola Gallery, Sheffield

2019 Hawksbys, Haworth. South Square, Thornton

2018 Great North Art Show, Ripon

2015-2019 Saltaire and Staithes Art Festivals

2009-2018 ran my studio/gallery, Richmond, North Yorkshire

Leeds College of Art 1986/7 1991/92
Glasgow School of Art 1992/93
Short courses at Newlyn School of Art 2017-2019